This pair of patent pending adjustable front upper controlarms will give ±4° camber and ±4° caster change. SPC armsmatch the OE design for clearance so you can get up to +2°camber change without...
This is the perfect kit for the lowered Z or G35. Providesadditional camber and comes with a larger offset toe cam tobring the toe angle back into range. Use the 85130 rotaryfile set to elongate the...
These cams (set of 2) replace the OE camber and toeadjustment cams and provide additional camber & toe changes.Adjustment slots will need to be elongated using 85130rotary files or equivalent.
Dial in ±3° camber and ±2° toe to maximize your suspensionset-up on the 350Z and G35 with this set of race readyadjustable rear lower control arms (RLCA), camber lockoutplates, and extended range toe...